Illicit Timber Trade Uncovered

To learn more about EIA and the investigative processes it uses, you can hear from Charlotte Davies, one of EIA’s crime analysts, on Tuesday 29 October at the 2015 AELERT Conference.

155 Chinese nationals were convicted and then subsequently pardoned in July 2015 for illegal logging in Myanmar, exposing the massive volumes of timber that have been flowing into China illegally for decades.

Organised Chaos: The Illicit Overland Timber Trade Between Myanmar and China is the Environmental Investigation Agency’s (EIA) Report on the extensive undercover investigations into the trade, and exposes the key factors and systemic corruption which facilitates it. The report further highlights that the bulk of the timber moving across the border is high value species of rosewood and teak and that some of the most ecologically important remaining forests in South-East Asia are at significant risk. Talks between Myanmar and China are due to take place in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, on September 24 with the EIA calling on both countries to take urgent effective action against the massive illicit timber trade.

To read the EIA report click here.