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Conference update: Keynote speaker change


Due to unforseen circumstances, Cynthia Giles, Assistant Administrator at the US EPA, is no longer able to attend the 2015 AELERT Conference as the Keynote Speaker.

We are instead pleased to welcome Lawrence Starfield, Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator of the US EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. 

If you have any queries about this change, please contact the AELERT Secretariat

New Website!


If you're reading this, you've probably noticed our brand new beautiful website!

We're very excited to invite you to browse around the new site and, if you have a member login, to check out the member-only section. If you don't have a member-login, make sure you join!

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VIDEO: Unconventional Gas Webinar


On Friday 2 October 2015 AELERT, in conjunction with NSW EPA, hosted a webinar on the topic of Unconventional Gas. The webinar outlined Australia’s current unconventional gas research and regulatory arrangements and presented a timely case study from New South Wales.

The regulation of unconventional gas is a complex and divisive issue, accompanied by strong emotions and community concerns, and regularly featuring in mainstream media. The volatile public debate, combined with legitimate questions regarding agencies’ responsibilities, creates a unique challenge for our regulatory community.

Watch the event video below!

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What makes a regulator excellent?


“Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground” -Theodore Roosevelt-

According to the author of What makes a regulator excellent?, this poetic quote perfectly captures the qualities that make an excellent regulatory program or officer:

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