What makes a regulator excellent?

“Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground” -Theodore Roosevelt-

According to the author of What makes a regulator excellent?, this poetic quote perfectly captures the qualities that make an excellent regulatory program or officer:

1. Eyes on the Stars: Advancing the Public Interest

  • Actively solicit and advance the public interest rather than satisfy or serve the squeaky wheels.
  • Engage the public in the journey
  • Adaptive Regulation

2. Feet on the Ground

  • A Commitment to professionalism and expertise
  • Accessible and Transparent Decision Processes.

3. Forward Movement and Not Getting Stuck in the Mud

You can also read a range of other interesting regulatory discussion papers on the topic of excellence, including:

The papers are all part of the Penn Program on Regulation, an initiative of the University of Pennsylvania Law School, which aims to rigorously analyse important regulatory policy problems, provide strategies on how to solve those problems, and consider the processes of making and implementing regulation.

The Penn Program on Regulation also supports the famous REGBLOG, where contributors provide regulatory news, analysis and opinion. If you are interested in the broader regulatory profession, then this blog should definitely be on your list.