New Website!

If you're reading this, you've probably noticed our brand new beautiful website!

We're very excited to invite you to browse around the new site and, if you have a member login, to check out the member-only section. If you don't have a member-login, make sure you join!

Log in from the home page to gain access to a wide variety of member features:

  • Contact List- find AELERT members all around Australia and New Zealand by searching for their name, agency, the subject matter that they regulate or their areas of practice.
  • Discussion Boards- want to pick someone's brain for information, or have something to share? Use the discussion boards! Make sure you subscribe to topics that you might be interested in, such as Operations or Legal Practice conversations.
  • Resource Library- upload and find policies, papers, templates or other documents that are relevant to environmental regulators.
  • Cluster Collaboration Pages- share documents or have discussions within your cluster.

As always, please contact us should you have any queries or require assistance.