AELERT Achievement Award Recipients

The AELERT Achievement Awards were presented at the AELERT conference in Brisbane. For those of you who weren’t there, please join us in congratulating our winners.


Larry Starfield Tony Circelli Kevin RowleyThe first award for ‘Achievement in the Regulatory Profession’ was presented to Kevin Rowley, EPA SA’s Team Leader and ERT Coordinator, Investigations and Tactical Support.  Kevin was recognised for his outstanding work in establishing the South Australian Investigation Managers Network Forum and his leadership in facilitating the national AELERT Emergency Operations Network.  Kevin is the Vice Chair of the Emergency Operations Network, and is working on creating national competencies in training and procedures for environmental emergency responders. He is also a member of our Capacity Building Cluster and Operations Cluster. 


Achievement Award Winner Amiette WakenshawThe second award for ‘Achievement in Building the Regulatory Craft’ was presented to Amiette Wakenshaw, who leads the NSW EPA’s training unit.  Amiette has made a significant contribution to the environmental regulatory network by training regulatory and investigations staff in how best to be effective in their work.  Amiette has also delivered nationally accredited best practice operational and technical training courses to almost 4000 environmental regulators in every mainland jurisdiction in Australia. This training allows regulators to enhance their knowledge and skills which leads to significant environmental improvements.  She is a member of our Capacity Building Cluster.


Award Omar Eve KimberlyThe final award, for ‘Outstanding Contribution to the Network’, was presented to the Better Regulation Cluster for their work in developing the Modern Regulator Improvement Tool – or MRIT. The Tool is designed to allow regulatory agencies to assess organisational maturity against the qualities of a modern regulator. Identifying 12 areas of good regulatory practice, the MRIT allows agencies to map action plans to further develop their individual regulatory practice. It also captures where good practice is currently occurring and facilitates agency ability to access opportunities for inter-jurisdictional collaboration.  It has received international recognition and is seen as a valuable tool across all regulatory fields.


Congratulations to all our award recipients on their outstanding work and this well-deserved recognition!




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