Larry Starfield answers AELERT members' questions

Larry Starfield, Deputy Assistant Administrator at US EPA, was a popular speaker at the recent 2015 AELERT Conference. He received many questions, both during his talk and afterwards while meeting with members.

Unfortunately he was not able to answer all questions he received at the time. However, Larry has kindly forwarded his responses to the un-answered questions. You can now access Larry's responses in the resources section of the AELERT website (member login required).

The questions include:

  1. Superfund - vapor intrusion: What are U.S. EPA’s criteria for deciding to take action, and has U.S. EPA issued any guidance?

  2. GMAP monitoring vehicle: What are the type of contaminants monitored, the approximate costs, etc.? 

  3. Are there opportunities for environmental regulators from Australia or New Zealand to work at U.S. EPA through a loan/exchange program?  If so, what is the process for that?

  4. Citizen Science: In Mr. Starfield’s talk, he mentioned that the Tonawanda Coke case began based on citizen monitoring through a U.S. EPA grant. What kinds of grants does U.S. EPA offer that could support citizen science? 

  5. Legal issues in U.S. Environmental Law: 
    a. Piercing the corporate veil.  What is the legal theory behind piercing the corporate veil in Superfund cases? 
    b.  Tolling agreements.  Could you share additional details on the use of tolling agreements? 

  6. IR cameras: Does U.S. EPA have any information on the capability, cost, and training required?

Read the responses

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