Season's Greeting from the Chair

Dear Members,

It’s hard to believe that a year has passed since my last end of year message; AELERT has been very busy! The highlight, of course, was the recent 2015 AELERT Conference in Brisbane which attracted over 300 participants. It was an invigorating two days, with inspiring and intelligent presentations both from our invited guests and from our peer presenters. I hope that the enthusiasm generated has translated back to each of your agencies. A conference report will be online shortly, while photos and videos are already available.

You would also have noticed that this year we moved further into the digital space. As well as using a mobile app at the conference for the first time, our newly redeveloped website allows you to connect better with your peers. This year we trialled two webinars in addition to live-streaming two conference sessions. Together these online events were viewed by more than 330 members.

Our clusters, the engine room of AELERT, have once again surpassed expectations. This year we welcomed the creation of the Forestry Compliance and Enforcement Working Group, and a new Emergency Operations Cluster. The Better Regulation Cluster finalised the acclaimed Modern Regulator Improvement Tool, while the Legal Practice Cluster published their Monetary Benefits Toolkit.

Next year is looking to be just as busy! In 2016 the Capacity Building Clusterembarks on a project to identify the core competencies of authorised officers and compile associated training resources. We plan to deliver a number of face-to-face, topic driven member events, in addition to another three webinars. Plus there are already whispers of a potential communications working group in the New Year. I encourage you to get involved where possible, and contact the secretariat with your ideas.

Thank you all for your continued support of AELERT, however you might be involved. I hope that you have a relaxing and enjoyable holiday. I wish you a Merry Christmas, and look forward to another busy and prosperous year in 2016.

Tony Circelli

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