"Stop rubbishing our prime fishing spots" says EPA Tas

Environment Protection Authority Tasmania has fined two men for separate incidents of illegal dumping at a popular fishing spot on the River Derwent. EPA Director and AELERT Jurisdictional Representative, Wes Ford, said that the rubbish included food and sanitary items, resulting in a biohazard and posing a risk to human health and the environment.

The incidents occurred on land under a 'private property access agreement', potentially jeopardising the community's access to the area. The access, which requires the landowner's ongoing agreement, was negotiated by the Inland Fisheries Service to provide recreational anglers with access to the river edge. The location is unique as it is one of only a few places where vehicles can be driven to the water's edge.

Director of Inland Fisheries, Mr John Diggle, said that the behaviour of rubbishers was antisocial.

"Most recreational anglers know that access is a privilege not a right, it’s disappointing that the behaviour of a few individuals might ruin it for the majority" he said.

The offenders were issued with a $770 fine for the dumping, and a $154 fine for discarding takeaway rubbish out of the car window.

Read the official media release.

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