Welcome EIA International

The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) is the latest international affiliate member to be welcomed to AELERT.

EIA is a UK based, independent, non-governmental organisation campaigning to protect the natural world from environmental crime and abuse.

EIA conducts innovative research and investigations into environmental crimes, such as the illegal wildlife trade, illegal logging and illegal trade in ozone-depleting and climate-warming chemicals and hazardous waste. EIA uses its findings to support intelligence-led enforcement and to advocate regulatory reform to protect the environment.

Charlotte Davies, Crime Analyst at EIA believes the opportunity to be part of AELERT will strengthen their agency’s ability to tackle environmental crime in international forums.

“We maintain a wide network of enforcement contacts in EU, Africa and Asia and we value the opportunity to make new contacts in Australasia.  It will enhance our ability to communicate, to stay up to date and informed about international trends, innovation and best practice in environmental regulation, compliance and enforcement.” said Ms Davies.  

“We live in a global environment and by ensuring we foster relationships with international contacts,  networks such as AELERT, we will have better access to innovative and forward-thinking strategies on a worldwide scale." she said.

Ms Davies was invited by AELERT to be a key note speaker at the 2015 AELERT Conference in Brisbane, presenting ‘Big Data, Big Impacts: Disrupting the Illegal Trade in Wildlife’ you can watch the presentation here.

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