AELERT 2016 Membership Survey – the results

Top-performing organisations understand that network engagement drives its business outcomes. Engaged members are more productive, more involved and more likely to participate. To that end, AELERT continues to strive to build on the feedback you provide in the AELERT Membership Survey.   

Circulated to all AELERT members via the AELERT Newsletter, AELERT’s primary liaisons, the website and via social media, the 2016 AELERT Membership Survey produced some promising results with an adequate response rate being achieved.  

Interacting with AELERT.  

Of those who participated, over 86% of respondents indicated they had interacted directly with AELERT in the past year. A large proportion of this contact came from a member accessing an AELERT resource (57%), attending a face-to-face event (52%) and participating in an on-line discussion (26%).  Additionally, high numbers were recorded for contact points with the Secretariat (33%), participation in training (22%) and contribution to a cluster (19%).

Overall the results for membership interaction with AELERT showed the website is the most frequently used resource and should continue to be fostered and promoted.  

What you value about AELERT.  

When members were asked to rank AELERT’s services in order of value, the results revealed the importance of effective two-way communication.  

Respondents indicated they value training and skills development as their highest priority followed closely by conferences and e-newsletters.  This highlights the significance of these services to members and confirms to the AELERT Steering Committee the importance of ensuring these services are continually developed and improved.  

The 2016 AELERT membership survey showed that there is an extremely high level of support for the network with respondents revealing that 92% of their managers encourage their continued involvement in AELERT. Over 70% of respondents also indicated that they can spend 1- 5 hours a month working on AELERT-related activities.  

The survey indicates members consider AELERT a valuable professional resource, with over 95% implying they were likely to recommend the network to other environmental regulators.  

What you want to see more of.  

Overwhelmingly, sharing experiences, networking and knowledge exchange were identified as AELERT’s most valuable services. Members commented:  

“An opportunity to network with colleagues from other jurisdictions and learn from their experiences. It's also an opportunity get fresh ideas and spend time thinking about business improvement rather than just BAU.”  

“Valuable for both sharing of experience and reinforcing/resourcing the struggle for a better level and quality of environmental regulation in Australia.”  

The capability to access information regarding best practice regulation through AELERT was also noted to be beneficial to the members:    

“It’s a great portal and repository for regulators to showcase their own products, outcomes, tips and professional advice.”  

“The opportunity to engage with like-minded regulators. Updates on Compliance Tools and Professional Development resources.”  

Members were asked to contribute to the future direction of the AELERT by offering their suggestions on how the network can improve its undertakings.  

The majority of respondents indicated they were positive about AELERT’s activities, and they would like to see:

  • Increased number of webinars
  • Grow the website and its resources
  • Additional state based activities
  • Best-practice regulatory standards and the provision of legislative updates
  • Invite regulators outside the environmental sphere to participate 

Members also provided feedback regarding AELERT’s governance and strategic direction. The Steering Committee discussed this feedback at its last meeting in April and confirmed the importance on AELERT’s governance being executive-led in relation to securing the Network’s funding. The Steering Committee has also undertaken to hold an AGM-like event for members at the next AELERT Conference in Sydney in 2017. A forum to allow members to hear from the Steering Committee directly and to address any questions to them.  

What can you do?  

Clusters, or working groups, can accomplish great things. Much of your feedback has reflected your interest and requests to be active, more involved and achieve more effective outcomes.  

But it is up to you. You need to be more involved. You need to participate and actively work with other team members to ensure a successful result.  

A group's overall effectiveness hinges on the effectiveness of the participants' communication input. Lack of an active flow of information will directly influence the success of the group’s strategic goals.  

To that end, the AELERT Steering Committee encourages the formation of working groups  . Recommended suggestions proposed by members in response to the AELERT 2016 membership survey include:  

  • Fisheries and agriculture.
  • Technology – to research, trial and promote innovative technological advances. 

The committee agreed that chairs of the working groups created under the Operations Portfolio would need to collaborate and report back to the committee.  

It’s up to you to get involved.

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