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AELERT WEBINAR: Dealing with aggressive people


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After the resounding success of his webinar on Inside the Mind: Psychology of an Interview Professor Karl Roberts returns to AELERT to discuss the challenging topic of Dealing with aggressive people.

Aggression is a complex subject, not least because what one person sees as an acceptable form of expressing anger or frustration may be seen by others as a violent act.

There are a number of fundamental techniques for dealing with aggression which should be put into practice, especially if it is feared that such aggression may escalate. 

Are you able to assess an uneasy interaction accurately?

Can you spot the warning signs of aggressive behaviour?

Do you have the ability to de-escalate a situation?

During this webinar, Dr Karl Roberts will present you with useful risk and threat assessment tools to help you to understand how to make accurate threat evaluations before interacting with people. 

You will learn to differentiate the key differences between violence stemming from instrumental motives versus expressive acts and you will acquire essential strategies on dealing with aggression and how to de-escalate a situation.  Professor Roberts will also take us through some case studies where violence has arisen and their outcomes.



- How to access the webinar

- IT Requirements and testing

- Pre-Webinar Reading

INECE Performance Measurement Webinars



Together with Environment and Climate Change Canada, INECE is hosting a series of five discussions commencing Tuesday 17 January 2017 regarding performance measurement in the area of environmental compliance and enforcement.

The purpose of this series is to facilitate discussion among interested environmental law enforcement professionals about the best ways to measure performance in this field of work. 

Each webinar will be 1 to 1.5 hours and will begin at 10:00 AM (US EST). Each webinar will feature a specific theme or question for discussion. Due to the time difference this will be in the middle of the night for Australian and NZ viewers, so INECE will post the presentation component of each webinar on the INECE website for those who are interested in the webinar but unable to join.

They will not be posting the question/comment portion of the webinar online. However, they are providing an opportunity for any after-the-fact viewers to submit questions or comments (including sharing of approaches and experiences) to the INECE Secretariat for a week after each individual webinar.

Those comments and questions are important and will be integrated into the materials that the INECE Secretariat is producing to synthesise the approaches, considerations, and lessons at the end of the webinar series. 

To participate in the webinars you must register for each one individually. To register click here or on the links below.

Webinar 1: What to measure (January 17, 2017)

This session will begin by addressing the most fundamental question regarding performance measurement: what are the underlying objectives of the environmental agencies that can be measured in a performance measurement scheme? It will then turn to the choice of what attributes should be measured. It will address the use of compliance rates and coverage rates as metrics, and the importance of setting appropriate baselines for measurement.

Webinar 2: How to Measure (January 31, 2017)

This session addresses how to measure, including best practices regarding the use of technology for measurement and reporting, as well as how to conduct the business of performance measurement.

Webinar 3: Next Generation Measurement Techniques (February 7, 2017)

This session will delve more deeply into measurement techniques that take advantage of the ability to measure environmental performance in “real time.” It will also cover benefits promised by the use of “big data” in tracking environmental performance.

Webinar 4: Qualitative Alternatives of Measurement (February 14, 2017)

This penultimate session will focus on the qualitative alternatives to quantitative-based measurement practices, including the use of complementary qualitative and quantitative techniques.

Webinar 5: Concluding Session (February 28, 2017)

The INECE Secretariat will synthesise the discussion content into a summary document to serve as a resource for those implementing schemes regarding environmental compliance and enforcement. A draft summary document will be circulated prior to the final webinar session, which will be used to collect feedback regarding the draft summary document. A final version of the summary document will be distributed after the entire series has been completed.