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AELERT WEBINAR 27 September 2018: Combating violence



Has violence in the workplace increased? Some sectors of the community believe that it has. Certainly, the headlines illustrate the justifiable anxieties of some of our public contact workers.

What are the causes of this type of violence and how can it be reduced?

Join us in welcoming back Professor Karl Roberts to discuss workplace violence: how to recognise the signals and how to deal with them.

In this hour-long webinar, Professor Karl will address these questions and suggest some counter-measures to protect employees against violence in the workplace.

He will help us understand how to define violence, the factors that trigger it, the different types of violence and recognising the signs before a situation deteriorates. He will give us some strategies on risk assessment and risk management and tactics for negotiation and self-protection.

Date: Thursday 27 September

SA (host), NT 9.30am – 11.00am
NSW, ACT, VIC, QLD, TAS 10.00am – 11.30am
WA 8.00am – 9.30am
NZ 12.00pm – 1.30pm


You will be redirected to an Eventbrite registration page. We will send all registered attendees a link to the webinar prior to the event or you can access it on the resource section on this website.

If you have any questions please contact


10137Professor Karl Roberts is a forensic psychologist and is Professor and Chair of Policing and Criminal Justice at Western Sydney University in Sydney, Australia.

He is an Adjunct Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Massachusetts USA and Adjunct Professor of Pacific Policing at University if the South Pacific, Fiji.

His expertise is in the field of interpersonal violence and law enforcement investigation with a focus on the behavioural assessment of offenders, investigative interviewing by law enforcement and risk assessment and risk management.

Call for nominations - Intelligence Analysis for Environmental Regulators course


The Commonwealth Department of the Environment and Energy is now calling for nominations to attend the inaugural Intelligence Analysis for Environmental Regulators training program that will be held in Canberra over 13-15 November 2018.

Full details are in the attached document.

Please email all nominations from your agency, in priority order, to by COB Friday, 5 October 2018. Please include the participant’s full name, position title and email address.

Spaces are limited. We will contact all successful and unsuccessful applicants in the week starting 8 October 2018.

2017 South Australia Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000 Compliance Report


The 2017 South Australia Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000 Compliance Report prepared by the Department for Energy and Mining (DEM) Energy Resources Division was tabled in the South Australian Parliament last week in accordance with requirements under Section 123 of the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000.

The report is now available on the Department’s website where you can also find all previous annual Compliance Reports from 2006 when the first report was released.

The Compliance Report details the compliance and regulatory surveillance activities undertaken during 2017 for regulated activities carried out under the Petroleum and Geothermal Energy Act 2000 and associated Regulations.

Key areas covered in the report include:

  • An overview of DEM’s approval and compliance monitoring activities undertaken during 2017;
  • A summary of all serious incidents reported in 2017 under the PGE Act;
  • A summary of all fitness for purpose assessments undertaken by licensees on facilities, pipelines and well integrity matters during 2017 and details of work undertaken by DEM to validate these assessments;
  • Industry compliance statistics including the frequency and number of various types of reportable incidents, and analysis of root causes of these incidents. 

SA Quarry operator fined $24,200 in ERD Court


The EPA SA welcomed an Environment Resources and Development Court decision to impose a $24,200 fine on a company for illegally operating a waste depot.

EM Earthmovers Pty Ltd pleaded guilty to operating a waste depot without an environmental licence at a clay quarry on Churchett Road, Highbury.

An EPA investigation found mixed construction and demolition waste being dumped into the quarry between 16 August 2012 and 12 November 2012. Assessment reports identified that between 19,000 and 47,500 cubic meters of waste had been disposed into the quarry.

Testing identified elevated concentrations of heavy metals, organochlorine pesticides and hydrocarbons in the waste.

Once the EPA became aware of the activity, it issued an Environment Protection Order to ensure the site was cleaned up as soon as practicable. The site has since been remediated to the satisfaction of the EPA.

EPA Acting Manager Investigations and Waste Compliance Simon Shillabeer said that the conviction recorded today and accompanying fine should serve as a reminder to industry that there are significant penalties for illegal waste operations.

“The EPA has been increasing its focus on pursuing large-scale and commercial-scale illegal dumping, and this has resulted in a record number of successful prosecutions in the past year,” Mr Shillabeer said.

“While we are pleased that the site which was the focus of today’s court matter is now remediated, people should be aware that these type of activities have the potential to cause environmental harm. This can cost the community in the longer term, either in loss of amenity or in having to pay to clean up sites where the operators have long since gone,” he said.

“This penalty also sends a message to companies who are doing the right thing, that the EPA will support them by taking action to ensure there is a level playing field.”

In handing down her decision, her Honour Judge Cole stated that a general deterrence is a significant factor in sentencing for offences against the regulatory system under the Environment Protection Act 1993. In sentencing EM Earthmovers, Judge Cole took sought to protect the safety of the community.

Judge Cole noted that the filling of part of the site with Commercial and Industrial Waste, including a small quantity of asbestos and other contaminants had some potential to cause environmental damage and pose a risk to human health, but in the event, the area affected has been capped in such a way that the potential risk has been minimised.