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AELERT Chair Sleeping out for Vinnies


Our AELERT Chair, Mark Gifford, will be forgoing the comforts many of us take for granted (think warm bed and hot showers) for one night to participate in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout. On Thursday 20 June, Mark will be sleeping on the concrete at White Bay Cruise Terminal in Sydney as part of the 2019 Vinnies CEO Sleepout. He’s doing this to raise awareness and funds to address homelessness in our community.

The night itself is more than just sleeping in the cold, it’s an educational, emotional journey for CEOs, politicians and community leaders to get a meaningful insight into some of the causes and consequences of homelessness.

Mark is fundraising to support the work Vinnies does to get these people back on their feet. All the money raised will go towards crisis accommodation options for families and individuals, case management and counselling, educational and living skills courses, health services and home packages for people transitioning to housing.

People like Tony and his son benefit from the crisis accommodation and other services provided by Vinnies. Tony stayed at Vinnies’ Vincentian House which is the only family crisis accommodation that also accepts men and teenage boys.

Did you know…

  • More than 116,000 Australians experience homelessness every night, and 32 percent are just children
  • 30% of people experiencing homelessness were born overseas. For many of them English is not a first language, making it even more challenging to find help and access services.
  • People sleeping rough in our towns and cities account for just 7% of those experiencing homelessness – most are less visible, in crowded boarding houses, on friends couches and other unsuitable accommodation
  • Older women are the fastest growing group of people experiencing homelessness in this country

If you’re able to support Mark and help him reach his fundraising target, you can donate here:

Thank you for your support!

AELERT gets a mention in Pet Industry News



The Pet Industry News features an article on wildlife trafficking in their latest publication.

AELERT member, Iain Bruce was quoted in the article. Iain is the Manager Intelligence and Investigations Unit - Environmental Compliance Branch,  Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP).

““The government has invested $36 million to improve our efforts in recent time. In the past three years, DELWP has doubled the number of wildlife forest officers from around 35 to 70. I’d like to think that Victoria is leading the way with significant intelligence by having a dedicated intelligence function.”

DELWP also uses the AELERT forum, a contact point to share information on wildlife trafficking compliance in resource management, and attends its bi-annual conference, he added.”

Read more of the article here:

AELERT Coming to Tasmania


The AELERT team (Zoé and Felicity) are coming to Tasmania from 2-11 July for a series of roadshows, discussions and a webinar and they want to meet you. If you are interested in finding out more, hosting a roadshow, or having a face-to-face meeting with AELERT, you can email them at

Membership is free and will give you access to; online discussion board, training, member-only resources, events and much more. 

Whether you want to join or discuss how to get the most out of your membership, the AELERT team are happy to meet with you.

TAS to introduce long-awaited container deposit scheme


Environment Minister pledges to introduce long-awaited container deposit scheme

Source: The Daily Telegraph

TASMANIANS will be able to swap cans for cash by 2022 after Environment Minister Elise Archer announced plans for a long-awaited container refund scheme.

Ms Archer revealed plans for the scheme in a budget estimates hearing on Thursday.

She pledged to pull together an expert reference group that would help guide legislation to allow the initiative to begin.

“Drink containers currently account for around 41 per cent of litter by volume in Tasmania, and we know one of the most effective ways to change littering behaviours is to introduce a container refund scheme as has been seen in other Australian jurisdictions,” Ms Archer said.

“The scheme will encourage positive, incentivised recycling and re-use behaviours, that will help reach our target of becoming the tidiest state by 2023.”

Read more.

Network News - May


Read all the latest news from AELERT including the recent Secretariat visit to SA, the training sessions coming up in Darwin as well as staying updated on the latest Environmental Regulation news.

Click here to read