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Introducing AELERT’s Chief Executive Officer: Greg Abood


Please join us in welcoming AELERT’s new Chief Executive Officer, Greg Abood.

Greg is based in Sydney and is seconded from the Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR) where he was the Director Education and Engagement.

AELERT Chair, Monica Collins welcomed Greg with the announcement of his appointment in December 2022:

‘Many of you will know Greg, who is currently Director Education and Engagement with the NSW Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR).

‘Greg has more than 20 years’ experience in a range of environmental regulatory and leadership roles within the NSW EPA and NRAR. He’s a passionate advocate for AELERT and the value it provides to our members.

‘Congratulations Greg, and I’m excited to work with you to continue the work of AELERT when you commence in the role in late January.

‘I’d also like to thank the NSW Natural Resources Access Regulator for sponsoring Greg’s appointment to this role in 2023.’

If you have a question or would like to catch up with Greg, please contact us at any time.

AELERT Friday catch ups with Greg

Friday catch ups

Greg has extended an open invitation to have a one-on-one chat any Friday.

'My immediate focus is to connect with our members. I am very keen to hear from you and to learn more about your service needs.'

Book in a half hour chat with Greg with a few clicks:


Prospective AELERT members or collaborators are invited and encouraged to take part as well.