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Join the AELERT Community


Our members love the environment, and collaborating to protect it. Looking forward to a big 2023, our 11 Communities of Practice and Working Groups are busy getting together already. It's a great time to get involved!

These groups are a safe place for practitioners to connect, share experiences and work together to solve common regulatory problems. Our current groups focus on:

The Leadership Team's here to help make it happen, so please feel free to reach out and let us know how we can help.

Here's a little about what our groups are up to in 2023:

Aboriginal Inclusion

Working to build the capability of environmental regulators to achieve Indigenous inclusion. The most recent gathering explored opportunities to educate AELERT members on how to include Indigenous cultural values in their regulatory programs. 

In 2023 the group seeks to build effective collaborations and networks with key stakeholders across Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. 

Better Regulation

Collaborates to develop best practice principles and tools for environmental compliance and regulation. Builds resources which support modern and effective regulatory practices.

In 2023 the group will collaborate on: regulatory decision making, regulatory posture, and improving regulatory practice.

Emergency Operations

Gathers by teleconference each quarter to discuss major incidents, training, development, and to share information and ideas. This includes key learnings following emergencies and natural disasters across Australia and New Zealand.

In 2023 the group will focus on new developments in emergency operations; build positive working relationships with combat agencies; and share information on key regulatory projects in each jurisdiction.

Waste Crime

Exchanges information and intelligence relating to waste regulation, enforcement and investigation outcomes; and openly communicates about policies and procedures. Recently welcomed guest speakers from the US Department of Justice and Interpol for a robust discussion on key waste crime issues, including opportunities for cross-jurisdictional and sector engagement.

In 2023 the group will build on joint operations to tackle the identified top waste-related risks.

Let's grow together!

To join a Working Group or Community of Practice, or if you have an idea for a new AELERT Community, you can contact us any time:

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