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Watch all the #AELERT2022 Conference recordings


Relive the #AELERT2022 conference

  • 50+ presentations & panels
  • From 30 agencies & universities in 3 countries
  • 7 topic streams

Our members, attendees, presenters and sponsors had another highly successful event, at #AELERT2022, Regulating Towards 2050: Working together to face emerging challenges

Now the conference portal has closed, we're pleased to share ALL recordings with AELERT Members.

Members can also search 'AELERT 2022' in the resource library.


AELERT Welcomes Grant Barnes as new Chair


We are delighted to welcome Grant Barnes as the new Chair of AELERT, following a resolution by the National Council.

Grant is Chief Regulatory Officer of the Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR), and has been a member of the inaugural AELERT National Council since 2022, including a term as Deputy Chair.

Grant is a highly regarded regulator within the AELERT Community and beyond. As NRAR’s Chief Regulatory Officer, Grant is responsible for the day-to-day operations of NRAR. He has led NRAR since its establishment in 2018 and has more than 15 years’ experience in senior leadership roles in natural resource management and regulatory practice.

Grant said he is looking forward to working with the AELERT Community and National Council though an exciting time of growth.

‘I'm humbled by the opportunity and cognisant of the many, fine regulatory practitioners who have built AELERT over the years. I'm pleased to be part of the team and continue their work.

‘Exciting times lie ahead for AELERT. I’m pleased to continue my work with the National Council consolidating the work they did introducing a new membership model, governance changes and the 2022 conference.

‘AELERT serves all its members from every State and Territory in Australia as well as our New Zealand and International members.

‘This year we have a new commitment to our members, enhancing and expanding our product range that benefits them and strengthening our connections with our International partners in New Zealand, Washington DC, Brussels and Bangkok.

‘Our focus will be to maximise the network’s value to all its members and the agencies they belong to.

‘We’re a network that is run by practically minded regulators for regulators. I thank the National Council for this appointment and the endorsement of the NRAR Board Chair the Hon Craig Knowles AO, to serve in this capacity.

‘I would also like to once again acknowledge our recent Chair Monica Collins. Monica led the modernisation of AELERT as a contemporary regulators network, while addressing key strategic risks, and has paved the way for this next exciting phase. We as are network are so much better off because of her exemplary leadership.’

The National Council sets strategic direction and ensure AELERT delivers value to its members.

Read more about AELERT's National Council.

Call for expressions of interest: AELERT National Council


An exciting opportunity exists for two suitably qualified and experienced individuals, working both in and outside front-line government regulatory agencies, to be a part of the AELERT National Council.

The term of the position is 3 years.

AELERT has over 250 member agencies and affiliates across Australia, New Zealand and International from a broad range of regulatory disciplines.

This is an opportunity to collaboratively lead and drive the strategic direction of AELERT to maximise the value to members, member agencies and partners.  

Expressions of Interest are open to people across Australia and New Zealand who possess the skills, capabilities, interest, commitment, and experiences sought for National Council members.

The National Council currently includes members from South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory, the Australian Commonwealth, Tasmania and New South Wales, representing local, state and national government.

In appointing new members, the National Council will seek to uphold and enhance the diversity on the Council to ensure it continues to reflect the diversity of AELERT Members and broader regulatory profession. 


The Australasian Environmental Law Enforcement and Regulators Network (AELERT) is a widely recognised professional network for sharing of knowledge and experience between regulatory practitioners in the field of environmental regulation.

AELERT also has a strong membership base who practice non environmental regulatory activities. The network was initiated by the Commonwealth in 2003 and its membership spans all levels of government across Australia and New Zealand and beyond.

AELERT is a loyal and committed partner of International Network of Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE) and active amongst the broader International networks in Europe, Asia and New Zealand.  

AELERT’s National Council

The National Council monitors strategic risks, sets strategic directions, provides financial oversight, and ensures AELERT performs its functions and delivers value to its members and Agencies in an efficient and effective manner. The National Council membership consists of a Chairperson, and up to 10 other members including a Deputy Chairperson and the Chief Executive Officer.

National Council Members monitor accountable performance in accordance with AELERT’s goals and objectives.

The primary functions of the National Council are:

  • Setting the strategic direction for AELERT in conjunction with the CEO
  • Overseeing AELERT’s financial affairs including approving the annual budget, assessing AELERT’s income streams, and regularly evaluating AELERT’s financial sustainability
  • Monitoring the operations and performance of AELERT against its strategic objectives
  • Driving organisational performance to deliver member value or benefit
  • Ensuring the risks faced by AELERT are identified and that appropriate control and monitoring systems are in place to manage the impact of these risks
  • Ensuring AELERT’s financial management and reporting mechanisms are lawful, align with AELERT’s strategic direction, and provide benefits to benefits to AELERT’s members.

National Council meetings are held at least quarterly and up to monthly.

National Council members are paid daily fees at a rate consistent with determinations by the Commonwealth Remuneration Tribunal for Boards and Committees of a similar level.

Please note, consistent with the Remuneration Tribunal, State, Territory and Commonwealth Public Service employees cannot be paid members fees.

How to apply:

If this sounds like the opportunity for you, please complete an expression of interest (1 page cover letter) outlining why you are interested in a position on the AELERT National Council and what skills, capabilities, knowledge and experience you would bring to the operation of the Council, along with a current copy of your CV including two relevant professional referees to

Please submit by 10 April 2023 at 5pm AEDT.

Applications will be assessed with a view to appointing the new member by the end of April.

For further information:

Please contact the AELERT Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Gregory Abood via email: or phone: +61 418 531 096

AELERT celebrates International Women's Day 2023


In celebration of International Women's Day 2023, an AELERT webinar on March 14 is hosting a diverse panel of amazing women in Environmental Regulation:

Kylie Jacky: Lead, Aboriginal Initiatives, Regulatory Policy, Initiatives and Advice Division, NSW Environment Protection Authority; AELERT Aboriginal Inclusion Community of Practice

Sue McCarrey: Chief Executive Officer National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA)

Catherine Do: Senior Industry Guidance Officer, Environment Protection Authority Victoria

Kerryne Barwick: Senior Legal Officer, Environment Protection Authority Tasmania

Amy Porter: Senior International Advisor, United States Environmental Protection Agency

Amy Dennison: Executive Director, Environment Regulation Division,  N.T. Department of Parks, Environment and Water Security; AELERT National Council

Co-Hosts: Cindy Ong: Director Environmental Regulation, Environment Protection Authority TasmaniaAELERT National Council

and Germaine Larcombe: Executive Director Strategy, W.A. Department of Water and Environmental RegulationAELERT National Council

In the spirit of the theme, this webinar is open to EVERYONE - worldwide.

Book now

AELERT Farewells Chair Monica Collins


It is with gratitude and well wishes that AELERT National Council members farewelled Chair Monica Collins last week, as she reached the end of her term as Chair.

‘After a rich and rewarding time as Chair of AELERT, I have decided to step down as Chair,’ Monica said.

‘I have absolute faith in our National Council’s abilities and look forward to seeing them continue building AELERT from strength to strength.

‘I wish to thank the Members of AELERT for their support while leading AELERT through such an interesting and transformational period.

‘Our Deputy-Chair, Grant Barnes has agreed to take on the role as interim Chair, while the National Council works through process to fill the position for the longer term. Grant has my full support along with the Leadership Team and our new CEO Gregory Abood.’

AELERT 2022 Grant Adam Monica GregActing Chair of AELERT, Grant Barnes thanked Monica and acknowledged the many positive outcomes of her service to AELERT.

‘The National Council and I are extremely grateful for Monica’s leadership and her significant contribution to AELERT,’ he said.

‘Under Monica’s leadership, AELERT experienced a growth in membership, and a modernisation of key support structures to enable to continued capacity of AELERT to serve its members.

‘It has been a pleasure to work with Monica, and she is well-respected throughout AELERT and our community not only for her strategic insight but her collegiate leadership.

‘Monica led the modernisation of AELERT as a contemporary regulators network, while addressing key strategic risks, and has paved the way for our next exciting phase of consolidating our network and continued delivery of benefits for members.’

Screenshot Monica IWD webinar 2022Monica has had a long involvement with AELERT. When she joined the Commonwealth Department of Environment in 2016, Monica became the Commonwealth’s jurisdictional representative as Vice-Chair.

As Vice-Chair, she advocated for expanding AELERT Membership into a broader suite of ‘environmental’ regulators, which led to a period of growth for our network into the strong, diverse community of regulators we saw at our conference last year.

Alongside Narelle Sargent, Monica conducted a review of our working groups that support the work of AELERT. Through that review, the Steering Committee agreed to consolidate the groups into two streams: the working groups and communities of practice that are in operation today.

In late 2019, Monica took on the role of acting Chair, and was elected Chair of AELERT in March 2020.

Monica 2020 ConferenceSome highlights include:

  • Hosting the 2020 conference in partnership with INECE: AELERT’s first conference in partnership with our international counterparts. Attended by over 300 delegates from over 30 countries, and held just days before many jurisdictions went into the first covid-19 lockdown.
  • Leading the development of the AELERT 2021-2024 strategy and the 2021-22 annual report.
  • Creating and on-boarding the new executive National Council, which is more representative of the range of member agencies; the new leadership team to drive AELERT’s strategic agenda; and the AELERT CEO function as a key enabler driving connection between our members and our strategic agenda.
  • Overhauling our financial model with the introduction of fee-paying membership to provide sustainable funding for the work of AELERT.
  • Overseeing the development of a web and brand refresh and communications tailored to a digital audience.
  • Introducing a monthly webinar series as an opportunity for members to showcase their work.

Monica Collins opens AELERT2022

  • Delivering the highly successful 2022 AELERT conference in hybrid format.  

‘On behalf of the National Council, I thank Monica for her valuable contribution and wish her all the best with her continued journey as a senior environmental regulator’, said Grant.

‘We look forward to seeing Monica through the AELERT network and to continuing her legacy by working hard and working together for the benefit of AELERT members.’

Monica is currently Acting First Assistant Secretary with the Biosecurity Plant and Science Services Division at the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Forestry, and will continue to be an active member of the AELERT Community.