Shifting sands: Regulating in the 21st Century

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Shifting sands: Regulating in the 21st Century


Friday, 20th Sep 2024

Shifting sands: Regulating in the 21st Century

The 4th Annual Regulators Community of Practice Forum will explore the issues of regulators and regulation and how the brightest are preparing for what's to come in a fresh and interactive way.

With the day steered by a renowned futurist, stellar international speaker, blogger and civic activist Professor Alberto Alemanno from HEC Paris and New York University. Professor Alemanno will bring not only his scholarly expertise, particularly in health regulation, but his passion for citizen and stakeholder engagement.

What are the consequences of constant technological disruption, dissolving boundaries and empowered consumers and communities on the traditional institutions and functions of regulation?

The forum is your chance to hear and engage with a diverse range of views and ideas on what the future holds and how the best-in-class regulators are managing both present and future challenges. The conference will feature the perspectives of the brightest young regulators on what the 2020s might hold in store for us all. 

Key note speaker

Professor Alberto Alemanno


Alberto Alemanno is Professor of Law at Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) Paris, where he holds the Jean Monnet Chair in European Union Law and Risk Regulation. He teaches EU Law, EU Affairs and Global Risk Regulation at both undergraduate and master level (MBA) as well as in executive education programmes all over the world. He is also a fellow at the O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, at Georgetown University.

Alemanno is the founder and editor of the European Journal of Risk Regulation, ranked among the top 10 EU law journals (Washington & Lee School of Law journals ranking), and he serves on the editorial boards of the Revue du Droit de l’Union européenne and Risk Analysis: An International Journal. He is also one of the co-editors of the SSRN eJournal: Risk, Regulation & Policy and founder and editor of the SSRN eJournal: Food Law & Policy. Alemanno is the founder and scientific director of the Summer Academy in Global Food Law & Policy, a sort of 'mini-Davos' for international and national food regulators.

Alemanno was named 2015 Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.

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