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Three NEAT new videos on recovering proceeds of environmental crime


If you don't want wrongdoers retaining the monetary benefit of breaking environmental laws, then these videos are for you!

AELERT's Legal Practice Cluster has produced three instructional videos outlining:

  • how to calculate the monetary benefit wrongdoers gain when breaking environmental laws;
  • the evidence you need to run such calculations; and
  • how to use the NEAT model to help you calculate monetary benefits.

Hosted by Rebecca Hicks (NSW EPA) and Joanna Cary (VIC EPA) they follow the cluster's recent work using the Non-compliance Economic Assessment Tool (NEAT), and the development of the Monetary Benefits Toolkit.

 Watch the videos and if you have any queries or need more information please contact the AELERT Monetary Benefits Brains Trust!

Video 1 NEAT - Proceeds of Environmental Crime and Recovering Monetary Benefits

Video 2 NEAT - Gathering Evidence to Calculate Monetary Benefits

Video 3 NEAT - Using the NEAT Model

** These videos have been produced as general information and guidance. Obviously you will need to consider the specific terms of your jurisdiction's policies and legislation when determining how you can go about recovering monetary benefits in your work.



Even some of the most successful and experienced people find it important to continually learn and improve. Personal growth is key to leading a full life and enjoying a successful career.  

Between work and family commitments there never seems to be enough time to cultivate your personal development.  Continued professional training is an important tool in developing high standards of professional practice and progressing your experience.  

It is an important investment in your career, but it takes time to attend courses, read books, participate in online learning, and while these are important, there is an alternative, the podcast.  

It allows you to learn on the go; listen during morning and evening commutes; while exercising; hanging out the washing; blocking out the kids: it gives you the opportunity to maintain a continuous practice of self-development.  

There are thousands of podcasts available on iTunes and across the web, so here are just a few to get you started, ranging from environmental news, law analysis, creative thinkers to day to day career learnings.

TedTED Talks

TED is a platform for ideas worth spreading.  TED Talks brings you fascinating speeches on topics that will expand your mind, from what a creative brain looks like to where creativity comes from and why we’re always glued to our screens. Being successful is also about being well rounded and having the ability to spark and hold a conversation on a variety of topics. Available on iTunes and 


HarvardHarvardHarvard Business Review

The weekly podcast hosted by HBR editor Sarah Green Carmichael and other members of the publication’s staff, features lively interviews with industry professionals, scientists and journalists—some famous, others more behind the scenes—covering one general topic or issue per episode. It’s categorised as a management and marketing podcast, but it covers much more. Available on iTunes and 


Career toolsCareer Tools

A weekly podcast that focuses on identifiable actions you can take to foster and enhance your career, whether you are a manager or not. Available on iTunes and



Social mediaThe Social Media Rules Of Engagement

Nicole Matejic explores the social media information revolution from a law enforcement, military, and civilian crisis communications perspective. Who is really in control of the narrative? And how has this changed the way people communicate? Hear from some of the world's leading communications professionals as they share their insights on using social media to build their brand, positively influence their audience and engage with intent during times of crisis. Nicole Matejic is an internationally recognised military information operations adviser and social media crisis communicator. Available on iTunes.

Sustainable mindA Sustainable Mind

A Sustainable Mind is a podcast created for ‘green’ enthusiasts. Viable, actionable ideas to get you motivated to be the change you want to see in the world. Marjorie Alexander brings you environmental changemakers whose campaigns, companies and projects have changed the planet for the better. Available on iTunes and 


Living on earth

Living on Earth

Living on Earth is a weekly news and information program about the world's changing environment, ecology, and people’s health. If there's something new about environmental politics or environmental quality and human health, you can count on Host Steve Curwood to keep you up to date with fair and accurate coverage. Available on iTunes and 


Law ReportThe Law Report

The Law Report on ABC RN focuses on the law-makers and the law-breakers, examining those who frame the laws and those who have to comply with them.   Breaking legal stories across Australia and overseas, analysing law reform, legal education, test cases, miscarriages of justice and examining legal culture, the Law Report makes the law accessible to the inquiring listener, keeps lawyers informed of the broader trends, and also serves as an ideal educational tool. Available on iTunes and 


The Psychology PodcastThe Psychology Podcast

Dr Scott Barry Kaufman’s show is one of the best podcasts for understanding how the human mind works. Episodes cover topics such as IQ, accelerated learning, social intelligence, changing your habits, introversion versus extroversion and more. Past guests have included efficiency guru Tim Ferriss and bestselling author and video game designer Jane McGonigal. Available on iTunes and

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Free Seminar Series


Values and Regulation of Arboreal Habitat in Native Forest in NSW

The AELERT Forestry Compliance and Enforcement Working Group is a network of people working in forestry compliance and enforcement to exchange information on operational forestry regulation and law enforcement throughout Australasia. This group works to improve the efficiency of forest regulators in the delivery of government priorities through already enacted legislation.

Multiple Australasian forestry regulation jurisdictions have expressed their strong desire for this timely initiative.    

In order to support this work, the AELERT Forestry Compliance and Enforcement Working Group will be hosting a series of online seminars featuring topics relevant to all jurisdictions.  

The first seminar in the series will be held this month, and will focus on the topic of Values and regulation of arboreal habitat in native forest in NSW. The seminar presenters, Gregory Abood and Tim O’Connell from NSW EPA, have spent the last four years focussing their efforts on protecting future arboreal habitat from native forestry operations and bring a wealth of knowledge to this topic.  

Seminar details:

Time: 1:30pm - 3pm

Date: 18 May 2016


Chris McLean, Gregory Abood & Tim O’Connell, NSW EPA.

This seminar is open to any AELERT member interested in the topic. For more information on how to participate please contact Gregory Abood at

Welcome EIA International


The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) is the latest international affiliate member to be welcomed to AELERT.

EIA is a UK based, independent, non-governmental organisation campaigning to protect the natural world from environmental crime and abuse.

EIA conducts innovative research and investigations into environmental crimes, such as the illegal wildlife trade, illegal logging and illegal trade in ozone-depleting and climate-warming chemicals and hazardous waste. EIA uses its findings to support intelligence-led enforcement and to advocate regulatory reform to protect the environment.

Charlotte Davies, Crime Analyst at EIA believes the opportunity to be part of AELERT will strengthen their agency’s ability to tackle environmental crime in international forums.

“We maintain a wide network of enforcement contacts in EU, Africa and Asia and we value the opportunity to make new contacts in Australasia.  It will enhance our ability to communicate, to stay up to date and informed about international trends, innovation and best practice in environmental regulation, compliance and enforcement.” said Ms Davies.  

“We live in a global environment and by ensuring we foster relationships with international contacts,  networks such as AELERT, we will have better access to innovative and forward-thinking strategies on a worldwide scale." she said.

Ms Davies was invited by AELERT to be a key note speaker at the 2015 AELERT Conference in Brisbane, presenting ‘Big Data, Big Impacts: Disrupting the Illegal Trade in Wildlife’ you can watch the presentation here.

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