Waste Crime Community of Practice

Chair: Tim Reid, DES QLD

Steering Committee Sponsor:  Peter Vasel, NT EPA

View this group's collaboration page- member login required.


Waste Crime is an increasing problem of global significance. It exploits the complexities of waste and market opportunities for profit. Waste crime typically includes stockpiling and illegal storage, transport or use of hazardous waste in large amounts. It can also include illegal treatment (and subsequent disposal) of waste as well as misclassification of waste to enable unlawful shipments. Waste levy avoidance is seen to be a key driver of waste crime.

Regulatory oversight of waste management falls to all levels of government, with similar issues being encountered across jurisdictions. Recognising that waste compliance crosses jurisdictions, the Waste Crime Community of Practice has been formed with the primary objective of the sharing of information that may impact multiple jurisdictions. 

The role of the group is to provide an environment to support the ongoing exchange of information and intelligence relating to waste regulation, enforcement and investigation outcomes and enable open communication about policies and procedures.