
AELERT’s management structure consists of a National Council and Leadership Team.

AELERT Governance Structure 2022

The National Council is AELERT’s governing body which monitors AELERT’s strategic risks, sets AELERT’s strategic directions, provides financial oversight and ensures AELERT performs its functions and delivers value to its members in an efficient and effective manner.

The Leadership Team leads and delivers AELERT business by implementing AELERT’s Strategic Plan and key underpinning activities in pursuit of AELERT’s purpose and objectives.

The team also coordinates the effective functioning of AELERT’s governance arrangements through the delivery of secretariat services to its National Council.

The AELERT governance structure also provides for the establishment of a Leadership Advisory Panel, which would support the AELERT National Council and Leadership Team by providing expert advice on environmental regulation.

The work of these groups are supported by AELERT’s Working Groups (WG) and Communities of Practice (CoP), which bring together practitioners from various agencies and jurisdictions to undertake collaborative work on mutual regulatory issues.

Working Groups primarily function to complete work priorities agreed by the National Council while Communities of Practice are formed to facilitate information and knowledge sharing across the entire AELERT network.

Read more about the National Council

Read more about Working Groups and CoPs