Chief Executive Officer: GREGORY ABOOD

Greg A Headshot3Gregory is seconded from the Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR) where he was the Director Education and Engagement.

Gregory was previously NRAR’s Director Water Regulation where he led in the building and maturing of a new and independent natural resource regulator.

He has led NRAR to proactively engage stakeholders, understand them better and enable them to solve regulatory problems. He has championed protection and recognition of Aboriginal cultural and spiritual values connected to land and water.

Gregory has 22 years of experience as a regulatory practitioner in NSW EPA and NRAR. He has led to solve complex regional, industrial, and statewide regulatory issues to do with pollution, biodiversity conservation, forestry and water management. Gregory has developed strong insights into the regulatory craft and using the full suite of tools to solve problems to get real on ground outcomes.

He is committed to serving people and the environment. He understands the power of proactive regulation, the importance of effective laws and how to effectively engage stakeholders to broaden reach and influence.

Passion for environment protection and natural resource management, years of experience in exercising the regulatory craft and a natural connection with people are among the skills and qualities Greg brings to AELERT.

As AELERT CEO, Gregory will be working with the Leadership Team to strengthen our membership base, enhance the value to existing members and deliver AELERT’s strategic priorities. 

If you have a question or would like to catch up with Greg, please contact us at any time.

AELERT Friday catch ups with Greg

Friday catch ups

Greg has extended an open invitation to have a one-on-one chat any Friday.

'My immediate focus is to connect with our members. I am very keen to hear from you and to learn more about your service needs.'

Book in a half hour chat with Greg with a few clicks:


Prospective AELERT members or collaborators are invited and encouraged to take part as well.