
Australasian Environmental Law Enforcement and Regulators neTwork.

The Australasian Environmental Law Enforcement and Regulators neTwork (AELERT) is a well-respected and internationally recognised professional network for environmental and other regulators across Australasia; and key international agencies.

AELERT members work in local, state and federal government agencies and other relevant organisations, to implement and administer legislation covering both the environment, and a variety of other sectors. AELERT offers members a professional forum in which they can:

  • Share and solve common issues;       
  • Identify best practice and consistent approaches to regulation;       
  • Access a range of industry resources and networking opportunities;       
  • Collaborate to exchange resources, information, knowledge and experience.

AELERT is supported by a full time Leadership Team. 

Formally established in 2003, AELERT’s current membership includes over 250 member agencies and more than 3,000 individual members.

AELERT plays an important role in securing a sustainable Australasia through the advancement of best practice environmental regulation. As such, the core of AELERT’s activities concern facilitating cross-jurisdictional collaboration on mutual regulatory challenges; promoting the development of the regulatory craft; and fostering capacity building across the Network.

Whilst the Network undertakes its activities primarily through projects undertaken by its Clusters (or working groups), the AELERT Leadership Team also provides a range of professional development opportunities including webinars on topics of cross-jurisdictional significance, jurisdiction-based networking events and AELERT’s premiere event – the biennial AELERT Conference.