NZ EPA and Fire Service combine forces to tackle chemical incidents

Fires involving hazardous chemicals can be difficult to manage. But a new agreement with the New Zealand Environmental Protection Authority (NZ EPA) means the New Zealand Fire Service will have better support in dealing with them in future.

The below article was kindly provided by Andrea Eng, AELERT Jurisdictional Representative for New Zealand (NZ EPA).

NZ EPA and the New Zealand Fire Service (NZFS) have formalised their relationship relating to HazMat incidents through a letter of agreement.

The agreement recognises that both NZ EPA and NZFS can work together to add value and strive for excellence by collectively sharing and learning from each other, while also acknowledging that each has a legal authority or function to provide support at incidents involving hazardous substances.

History behind the agreement

Over the past two years NZFS has been consulting with partner agencies on improving HazMat advice and support. This led to the establishment of a new operating model, which has been endorsed by the National HazMat Coordination Committee (NHCC). The NHCC, chaired by the NZFS, is comprised of senior representatives from the NZ EPA, Worksafe New Zealand, New Zealand Police, the Ministry of Health, Maritime New Zealand, Civil Aviation Authority, New Zealand Defence Force, and Responsible Care New Zealand.

The NHCC meets quarterly to discuss matters relating to domestic HazMat response and provides technical specialists to the five Region Hazardous Substances Technical Liaison Committees (HSTLCs).

Letter of agreement

The letter of agreement recognises that the priority in any emergency involving hazardous substances is the need to take all reasonable practical steps to stabilise and render safe any emergency. NZ EPA, as the government agency responsible for chemical assessment and management legislation in New Zealand, has a number of staff with specific technical expertise and knowledge in dealing with hazardous substances.

As well as being represented on the NHCC, NZ EPA provides technical specialists to support the Region HSTLCs through providing over the phone technical advice on HazMat identification, instrument interpretation and treatment options for hazardous substances. This is supported by the NZFS National Hazardous Substances Advisor and the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services Scientific Branch.

NZ EPA’s Chief Executive, Dr Allan Freeth, signed the agreement with NZFS Chief Executive and National Commander, Paul Baxter, earlier this year. Dr Freeth says that the agreement means that NZ EPA’s technical expertise with hazardous substances will be more accessible to the Fire Service in the event of a HazMat emergency (an emergency involving hazardous materials).

"The preparation for such emergencies will be improved, as the two organisations will be working closely together on the Region Hazardous Substance Technical Liaison Committee and the National Hazmat Coordination Committee," he said.

Dr Freeth also confirmed that the agreement had been finalised under the NZFS’s role of coordinating government departments, local authorities, professional groups and other relevant bodies to promote fire safety.

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