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AELERT welcomes Kate Gavens and Lisa Docherty to the National Council


We are delighted to announce two new members of the AELERT National Council, Lisa Docherty and Kate Gavens.  

They provide leadership expertise in biodiversity and conservation regulation, regulatory capability and professional development, environment protection and strong representations in two important jurisdictions in our network.

Lisa is the Director of the Government Regulatory Practice Initiative (G-REG) in Aotearoa New Zealand. As the Council's independent member, Lisa provides regulatory system design, capability, and stewardship across a broad range of operational contexts and regulatory function expertise.

Kate is the inaugural Chief Conservation Regulator for Victoria, leading since its establishment in 2019. Kate is committed to championing innovation, collaboration and capability building within the areas she leads with a focus on empowering staff to deliver for the Victorian community.

Our National Council now covers all levels of government and most jurisdictions in Australasia, with this recent addition of New Zealand and Victorian representatives. 

Read more about the AELERT National Council.

Please join us in welcoming Lisa and Kate!



2023-25 Strategic Plan


AELERT has released its 2023-25 Strategic Plan. This sets the direction over the next 3 years.

We have reaffirmed our commitment to:

• maximise the value to our members and the agencies they work in;

• enhance existing products like our website, communities of practice, capability programs, and our organisational maturity tool and events;

• build products that grow practitioners and member agencies; and

• connect and work with our international network partners.

AELERT has always been about practitioners and that will continue. A network uniquely run by regulators for regulators.

Thank you to our National Council and the many AELERT members, those practitioners who shaped this strategic plan, the base for the work we will do to fuel our network for the next 3 years.

Read it here